Cosmetic acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a totally natural and holistic anti-ageing treatment that aims to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, giving muscles a natural tone, providing facial lifting and skin rejuvenation.
It will require a course of treatment to show pronounced results.However, the whole face is treated and as body points are also used, a patient's health and wellbeing can be greatly improved by undertaking a series of treatments. Facial patients often report that they feel healthier, sleep better, have brighter eyes and feel more balanced; those are the kind of side effects we like!
In general acupuncture:
Cosmetic Acupuncture may take 5-10 years off your face. It helps to eliminate fine lines and makes the deeper lines look softer. It can also help to minimize dard circles, puffy eyes, double chin, sagging skin, and dropping eyelids. Other benefits include:
~ Relaxes muscle tone
~ Increases circulation, therefore oxygenates the skin
~ Increases collagen production
~ Tightens the pores, and brightens the eyes
~ Keeps acne skin under control
~ Nourshes the skin, giving you a healthy complexion with a natural glow
~ Moisturizes the skin from inside, and gives rosy cheeks to people with dull, tired looking skin
The acupuncture points and the way that they are used in a Cosmetic Acupuncture session have all been chosen specifically with this overall achievement of wellbeing in mind.
Cosmatic acupuncture's
Studies published in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture in 1996 showed that of 300 people who received Facial Acupuncture, 90% demonstrated marked results after only their first treatment.
Over a course of treatments you can not only expect to be looking more radiant, but you will also start to feel more at balance and happy in yourself.When you feel more in control of your body, mind and spirit you can then start to address other issues in your life. These are all things that we can achieve when we are in balance and feeling good about ourselves, once you start to feel like this, you will be surprised how much your self image improves. This can be achieved by Cosmetic Acupuncture bringing your natural beauty to the surface.